Friday, November 2, 2007

Mitt Romney Gets Big Boosts in South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Missouri

(From left to right: Sen. Judd Gregg of NH, Sen. Jim DeMint of SC, and Gov. Matt Blunt of MO)
DeMint could give Romney lift in S.C.
WASHINGTON — Influential conservatives said Wednesday that Mitt
Romney’s naming of Sen. Jim DeMint as a national chairman of his presidential
campaign will help the former Massachusetts governor woo bedrock Republicans in
South Carolina and beyond.

..........David Keene, president of the
American Conservative Union in Alexandria, Va., noted that DeMint was the
keynote speaker last year at his group’s conference of key activists from around
the country.
..........There isn’t a Jesse Helms or a Ronald Reagan around,
but for conservatives Jim is one of the top four or five guys in the Senate in
terms of respect,” Keene said.

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. h a y l . said...
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